Monday, 13 May 2013

my school, my shelter, my everything -> SMAN 3 BATAM

sebenarnya sih kurang tau apa yang mau dibahas tentang artikel ini. Cuma.. apa boleh buat, udah terlanjur. Oh iya, kalian kalian belum tau kan aku sekolah dimana? Mau tau ga? haha..
Ini nih sekolah gue, SMA NEGRI 3  BATAM, sekolah yang dulu ada RSBI nya, tapi sekarang udah dicabut. Walaupun udah di cabut, dimata kami, sekolah inilah yang mantap, ga hanya sekolahnya, penduduk nya juga mantap lek. :D

Liat tuh, dari gerbangnya aja udah keren, pink pink gimana gitu.. haha. Asik dah. Ga nahan men, motor yang diparkir *loh. sekolah gue ini terletak di jalan rajawali, kecamatan nongsa. Dekat bandara.
Nah, sekolah ini adalah sekolah negri yang pertama kali seumur hidup gue duduki. keren ga tuh?

Sebenarnya gue punya cerita seru, dulu waktu SD, gue diajak bokap makan mie ayam, yang letaknya depan smunti. Mereka bilang kalo sekolah ini bagus, belajarlah sekeras mungkin agar kalian masuk ke sini, karena mereka bekerja sama dengan telkomsel. Dan ALHAMDULILLAH, doa mereka didengar oleh ALLAH SWT. gue dan kembaran gue lolos!!! asik.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

What exactly love is?

True Love Is...

  • True Love is Caring. The ancient Greeks had many different names for different forms of love: passion, virtuous, affection for the family, desire, and general affection. But no matter how love is defined, they all hold a common trait: caring.

  • True Love is Attractive. Attraction and chemistry form the bond that allows people to mate. Without this romantic desire for another individual, a relationship is nothing more than lust or infatuation.

  • True Love is Attached. Like the mother-child bond, attachment comes after the initial attraction. Attachment is the long term love that appears anywhere from one to three years into a romantic relationship (sometimes sooner and very rarely after), and you'll know you've found it when you can honestly say, "I've seen the worst and the best you have to offer, and I still love you," while your partner feels the same way.

  • True Love is Commited. When it comes to true love, commitment is more than just monogamy. Its the knowledge that your partner cares for you and has your back, no matter what the circumstances. People who are strongly commited to one another will, when faced with seemingly negative information about their partner, see only the positive. For example, a friend comments that your partner doesn't say a lot. "Ah yes, he's the strong, silent type," you reply. People with less commitment to their partner would instead say something like, "Yeah, I can never have conversation with him. Its annoying."

  • True Love is Intimate. Intimacy is a crucial component of all relationships, regardless of their nature. In order to know another, you need to share parts of yourself. This self-revealing behavior, when reciprocated, forms an emotional bond. Over time this bond strengthens and even evolves, so that two people merge closer and closer together. Intimacy by itself if is a great friendship, but compiled with the other things in this list, it forms an equation for true love.


Mineral water does more than just hydrate you. In fact, it can help support strong bones and a healthy heart, without adding any calories to your diet. Perhaps the biggest myth about mineral water is that is only available for purchase. In fact, tap water in some U.S. cities contains enough dissolved minerals to satisfy the definition of mineral water. In the United States, any bottled water labeled as mineral water must contain at least 250 parts per million of dissolved solids, with nothing added. Check the nutrition facts panel to verify what is in the water you are drinking.


Your body loses water every day through perspiration, respiration and urination. You need to replenish this water with food and beverages. Water is the simplest way to replenish these lost fluids, because it is easily absorbed into your system and is used in nearly all cellular processes. In fact, water comprises up to 60 percent of the body weight of an adult man or woman--a simple illustration that water is essential to just about everything your body does.


Calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones. Mineral-rich water contains clinically significant amounts of calcium. Researchers at McGill University published a study in 2001 in the "Journal of General Internal Medicine" concluding that mineral-rich water contains from 4 to 18 percent of the recommended daily allowance for calcium. Another group of researchers in Canada published a study in "Osteoporosis International" in 2002 concluding that the calcium in water is just as readily absorbed in your body as the calcium in foods, such as milk or other dairy products. Calcium often adds a "hard" taste and feel to water, which is why many bottled water manufacturers remove it.


Magnesium is also important for strong bones and cardiac health. It helps calcium bind together to form bones. Also, a number of epidemiological studies have found an inverse relationship between magnesium intake and cardiac arrythmias, ischemic heart disease and sudden death. In other words, they found that certain groups of people consuming high levels of dietary magnesium had a lower number of cases of cardiac disease than groups of people consuming lower levels of dietary magnesium. The amount of magnesium in two liters of mineral-rich water in the U.S. may range from 6 to 31% of the recommended daily allowance. Researchers found that the magnesium in water is 30% more bioavailable than magnesium in foods. In other words, given a water and food source with equivalent amounts of magnesium, your body will absorb 30 percent more magnesium from the water than the food source.

Safe and Natural

Perhaps one of the most important and appealing qualities of mineral water is in its purity. Bottled mineral water sold in the United States is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and must have at least 250 parts per million dissolved solids, collected from a natural water source. It must contain no added mineral salts. So drink up and be healthy, because mineral water is great for your health.

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#F4F :p

How to make A delicious "KRABBY PATTY"?

We all know Spongebob Squarepants. He's a sponge that has a job as a chef in a restaurant called Krabby Patty. The special menu in krabby patty is the "Krabby patty" lol. i know its nonsense, but do you ever want to know how to taste it? or cook it? 
Dont worry! i would like to give you the recipe! :D

The things that you'll need: 
  •   Bun
  • pickles
  • garlic
  • cheese
  • beef
  • tomatoes
  • lettuce

Why Do People Hate HomeWork?!

Just think if the teachers are good at what they do then they shouldn't need to set out of school work (homework)

  1. Stress
  2. Sleep Deprivation
  3. Boredom
  4. Depression
  5. Punishment for not doing nothing
  6. Social activities taken out
  7. Parents can get something to punish you for
  8. Teaches obedience
  9. People hate the thought of going home and doing homework